Port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in mail_15373.php on line 4 Warning: mail() : Failed to connect to mailserver at "acbsdflskadfasklfhas-asdfasdfs" Warning: mail() : Failed to connect to mailserver at "" port 25, verify your "SMTP" anĭ "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in mail_15373.php on line 4

If none of these items help correct the problem, try manually re-creating a PGP Messaging Service.If I run my script through with PGP Desktop regenerates the messaging service. Delete the PGP Messaging service that is not working correctly and send/receive email.If PGP Desktop is creating multiple messaging services for one email account, use a wild card for your mail server name.If your email account uses non-standard port numbers, make sure these are included in the settings of your messaging service.If either Require STARTTLS or Require SSL is selected (in the SSL/TLS settings of the Server Settings dialog box) your mail server must support SSL/TLS or PGP Desktop will not send or receive any messages.The mail server must support SSL/TLS for the connection to be protected.)
(This does not leave the connection to and from your mail server unprotected by default PGP Desktop automatically attempts to upgrade any unprotected connection to SSL/TLS protection. If SSL/TLS is enabled in your email client, you must disable it there if you want PGP Desktop to proxy your messaging.

Read the PGP Desktop Release Notes for the version of PGP Desktop you are using to see if your problem is a known issue.Note: You should always restart your email client after starting or stopping PGP Services. Hold down the Option key and select Quit from the PGP Desktop icon in the Menu bar.Verify that you can both connect to the Internet and send and receive email with PGP Services stopped.If PGP Desktop has created a messaging service that is not working right for you, one or more of the following items may help correct the problem: By default, PGP Desktop automatically determines your email account settings and creates a PGP Messaging service that proxies messaging for that email account.īecause of the large number of possible email account settings and mail server configurations, on some occasions a messaging service that PGP Desktop automatically creates may not work properly.